CCA Resources
The CCA's research team brings together an impressive set of resource capabilities encompassing a series of principle objectives based on the core goals of the organization.
The Families Outdoors group offers families with kids the opportunity to relate on an experiential level in a rock climbing environment, as well as the broader opportunity of refining a young persons life skills.
The Paths Maintenance group provides accessiblity & site maintenance goals which bring together working partnerships with outdoor climber enthusiests who want to be involved in crag and site related structural accessibility issues. This involves trail work time outdoors, some of which involves pre-planning. Smaller teams may have non-planned brief maintenance outings mixed with actual partial days of rock climbing. Both venues are good opportunities for meeting new friends throughout the region.
One purpose of CCA is our MCS flagship stewardship effort. MCS receives generous guidance from knowledgeable and informative CCA associates who provide basic crag stewardship ideals. MCS is a quality example of balanced objectives that provide effective solutions to keep it one of this regions scenic jewels.
The CCA organization works with key members who provide quality solutions for certain rock climbing crags through our fixed anchors analysis and replacement team.
Provide substantive technical communication through a comprehensive analytic research to attain technical solutions to the pressing issues we may encounter at various regional crags. This core team offers liaison and ideological options to crag stewards and specified partners. CCA seeks viable solutions concerning crag access on certain public or non-public lands, promoting feasibility studies that help ensure long-term acces to the crags.