Crag Accessibility
The CCA paths maintenance group is designed for everyone, young and old. It operates on several levels and is calendarized so you can join any one of the various crews on a day that will fit your schedule. The CCA crag accessibility improvement and maintenance goals (i.e. paths and parking enhancements) is our friend-to-friend way of encouraging the rock climbing public to join in CCA pathways effort work party outings.
We have two distinct levels (pre-planned outings, and brief paths outings). The pre-planned path outings generally are set in advance. The short duration un-planned outings are set up by associates who visit local crags, work on a pathway or road shoulder de-brushing effort, usually for 1-2 hours, then go to the crag to rock climb for the remainder of the day.
Site accessibility improvement projects are multi-crag based, in that a team may do path work at a variety of crags. The site stewards generally set up non-planned, or pre-planned events for their particular crag. Some path work parties embark for projects on weekdays or weekends. Large or small, the outings generally focus on brief goals or needs, short duration path systems.
Future Projecting:
If you are a site steward, contact the CCA to discuss your crags pathways maintenance needs. For extensive path systems concepts the site steward pre-plans an improvement project. This may involve liaison with other non-profit entities, and multi-year planning efforts.
Tools and gloves are up to the associate member to bring. Bring whatever you have that is helpful (shovel, polaski, pick axe, loppers, snippers, hand saw, etc) to the project goal. Most teams tend to bring extra tools so coordinate in advance a bit with the group you are joining for the day.
Short projects:
The short non-planned outings are broad agenda based, and may involve anything from path work, water bar berm enhancement work, or debrushing.
Extensive projects:
The extensive pre-planned outings involve actual platform structural enhancements projects (such as seen at Ozone Wall). These types of events require foresight gathering various wood logs, rebar, gabians, wire, specific tools, etc for the upcoming outing.
Carpool to the crag.