MCS Event Chart
Date logged Event
7-26-14 Our first visit to MCS.
Snow arrived. Then snow melted in mid winter.
Various outings to MCS from 2014 through 2015 for route prepping.
10-8-15 team work party: new main path cut open with team effort. Also various base trail sections cut back.
Snow arrived and season closed.
6-12-16 arrived to find a washout on NF6610 road. Culvert was plugged with tree branches. We cleared it out.
8-25-16 road de-brushing team work party. Cut water bar berm. Worked on feathered washout. Hugh cleared out the culvert on the last road turnoff at 6610-030.
8-28-16 family day (and bolting of projects).
9-5-16 the final route got bolted (Slim Pickin's)
9-13-16 narrow road de-brushing event.
9-20-16 parking lot de-brushing event
9-25-16 family climbing day
Snow arrived in late October and season closed.
6-12-17 Culvert clear. Washout getting deeper from vehicle use.
6-28-17 replaced flattened hangers with regular 4mm SS hangers.
- On the First Lobe the SS bolts with SS hangers are spinners (we retightened all those).
7-16-17 replaced more flattened hangers. Added third belay at north nook above power routes.
10-30-17 installed 14ea of the 8mm SS hangers in the high hit zones.
snow arrived and season closed.
6-12-2018 climbing day.
- Reviewed the 8mm SS hangers (success!).
- Inspected the culvert; clear of debris. Washout a little deeper from vehicle use.
- Replaced a few more flattened hangers with 8mm SS hanger units.
- Loose spinner nuts/hangers on SS bolts on First Lobe were re-tightened.
Sept-18 path work party (several event days during holiday weekend were done).
Sept-18 path work party - path/landing enhancement. Mainly landings, and path along base of wall.
Sept-18 path work party (landings and path improvements. First Lobe base landing and path expanded, etc).
- Near the Cirque there are a number of flattened hangers. Resolved Goal: use quick-links or just replace with other SS hangers and set to vertical aligned.
Oct-2018 (and latter part of Sept) various team and solo events (landings, path, & road access issues). Some minor demossing of routes. Switched to 3/8" thick SS chain on most belay stations for longevity.
May-June 2019 some temporary rock fill is being added to the washout to minimize the heavily rutted section. Inspection of culvert done. Path inspection. Various crag improvement projects continue.
June 2020 - path day - minor work. All looks quite good for long term (trail and parking). Replaced some flattened SS hangers.
July 2021 - path event day to do some minor work. Re-tightened some spinner hangers. Replaced some flattened SS hangers.
July 2022 - trimmed along the final leg of access road (mainly near parking area and the loop area). Did some brief minor crag base landing enhancement where needed for stability. The approach final leg of narrow road got some minor trimming, but needs more trimming in future sometime next year.
June 2023 - crew did trimmed back excess brush overgrowth at the parking area and road. Trails are fine.
June-July 2024 - did about 8 outings on random days to clean up the approach road, the parking area loop, minor enhancement on the two uphill paths, minor work along the cliffbase path in a few spots, plus cleaned a bit on several routes. Inspected for flattened SS hangers.