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Broughton Bluff and Jungle Cliff

The farmland (on top of the crag) is still up for sale (as of 5-2019). The Jungle Cliff ( a favorite power climbers leading zone) is located at the southwest corner of a parcel section, a tiny (2.3 acres)  section of that entire farmland. The ideal long-term goal is to get that segment of land transferred to park property acquisition. It's a good opportunity to write to the Oregon State Parks & Recreation Department (or Commission) office in Salem Oregon promoting the idea that the parks department should acquire that slice of land for inclusion into the Lewis and Clark State Recreation Site (Broughton Bluff). The official state park boundary ends just beyond the Berlin Wall.

Contact the Access Fund and help them in the endeavor. Write a letter today. Be involved. Don't let the Jungle Cliff become a repeat of the closed years we experienced at the Madrone Wall. Contact CCA if you need a form letter. The contact info is: State Parks Department Commissioners (OPRD).




Various work oriented outings continue to be scheduled for this crag which includes immediate and other long term projects. Years 2016-17 were strong years for getting many projects done.
Enquire at CC via email if you would like to join the ongoing effort to help the team to resolve various pending issues.


Wild things that float on the wind:
- What about the 25' long runouts up top on easy 4th class terrain?
- The bolting is totally finished and you left no room anywhere for me to bury a bolt into?
- Can't I just cram a bolted squeeze job route in somewhere?
- Can't I just TR the long 200' routes anyway?
- Can't I just let my dog pooh on the trail anyway?
- Can't I just TR directly through the chains?
- I see a little rust on some bolts; will it break?
:: The answer should be obvious by now ::
Though a person may not like how the MCS slab was developed (and its stewardship) by the A-team....the ideal answer is just accept it. Some just climb elsewhere and miss out on a great slab climbing opportunity.



And some wild paraphrased comments from the inside:
- I ain't tellin' no one about this place ever!
- It was right under my nose all this time.
- Yeah, its somewhere in the Gorge.



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